
to defy clamor — 4 Comments

  1. mmm mmm good…SO good. You know what the first thought was after reading this, Shannon? The enemy saying- you know that word isn’t for you. YOU are no warrior for God. You don’t qualify. YOU are not obedient enough, good enough or faithful enough to qualify. To a degree, I can almost agree with him. I’ve fallen so very short lately… not even trying to abide in Him in the ways that I know I could and should… AND YET I am in this battle by default. I live to conquer suffering and to bring love and hope to all who are lonely and lost. If there is an under dog, I will fight for him. There is nothing good in me, so though I may not always abide in Him… HE abides in me. I want what He wants and I love what He loves… doesn’t that qualify me to receive that word as mine?

    • I think it’s for you. He is in you, so you do have good in you. :) He is your righteousness.

      PS – Shoot the enemy. I know you have a .44 around there somewhere. <3

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