For adoptive families, it might be one of the most frustrating combinations in the world: Discipline and attachment. UGH. So help me.

It’s so hard to know if anything we’re doing is working. We’re exhausted and discouraged with doing the same thing over and over and seeing hardly any result. It’s easy to feel like we’ve failed. 

But have we failed? NO. Don’t make me use my mom voice. :) 

There’s good news for you here, friends. 

In one hour, we’ll talk about foundational concepts with discipline and attachment that will impact not just your adoptive parenting, but also many of your relationships and also your own personal well being. We’ll go over some strategies for dealing with hard behaviors (in our kids and others) and we’ll look at the purpose behind discipline…and it might not be what you think. You’ll feel more equipped in all your parenting and relationships and personal wholeness. There’s validation, relief, and camaraderie here.

If you’ve already read Upside Down, this training will complement that, but it is all new material. 

Shannon Guerra is the author of Upside Down: Understanding and Supporting Attachment in Adoptive and Foster Families and several other books. She has been featured on Focus on the Family, numerous adoption blogs and podcasts, and most importantly, her grandmother’s prayer list.

Want some more resources? You might be interested in these: