Kindling: Little bits of fuel to help you burn brightly again.
Grit is book 1 in the Kindling series, and particularly for the one who has persevered during the onslaught of discouragement, attack, and delay.
What is God doing when the process looks so different from what we expected? What is changing inside us in that process? What is His will in these hard seasons, and how can we know and follow it?
The chapters are short but not to be taken lightly; they are full of truth and encouragement for your calling. Take it slow, in small bits, and maybe journal through it.
Your purchase includes two downloads: One is the full color version (86 pages) to read on any device, and the other is a printable PDF in black and white (41 pages) for any or all of it that you want to hold in your hands, put in a binder, or share with a friend.