
upside down: part four — 4 Comments

  1. I just about cried reading this. Oh, how I wish more people knew how tough it can be when our children need so much healing. I wish they’d rally around us, so we can better do what we need to do to love and support our children with attachment issues. I wish people didn’t take our child’s boundaries personal but could see them for what they are and not as “mean”. Thank you for ALL of this series thus far – it has blessed me so very much, as an adoptive mama of a special needs child. I’ll be praying for you, too. I’m so glad for other mamas to “get it” and encourage one another to keep going, despite the difficulties. You’re a wonderful writer and I love the way you are able to convey, describe and illustrate with words so many things I am often not able to explain.

  2. Thank you for your sharing your story of Adoption! I too am an adoptive mom with a child adopted at age 12 and are still struggling daily with attachment issues. It is only by Gods strength and His grace that I get through some days. Its comforting to know that I am not alone on this difficult journey. I will be praying for you :)

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