alphabet soup

alphabet soup: yielding control and simplifying while homeschooling/preschooling special needs kids

There are no regimented minute-by-minute agendas here. Just a loose schedule with firm standards, attempting to run a tight ship in choppy waters. It’s a little nuts.

I’m learning a lot about not being in control…about doing things differently than we’re used to.

It’s not an overnight process for me; there’s lots of trial and error for this detail-oriented INTJ. As other things speed up and complicate in life, other things have had to slow down and simplify…and my conversion from Type A to Type B is still in the highly experimental beta stage. 

alphabet soup: yielding control and simplifying while homeschooling/preschooling special needs kids

But there’s progress: I broke up with Martha Stewart. Her photos are gorgeous, her style is impressive, but I think meals categorized as “quick and simple dinners” should require less than 35 steps, 2 food processors, and a therapist. 

alphabet soup: yielding control and simplifying while homeschooling/preschooling special needs kids

When I actually make myself a lunch instead of just microwaving leftovers, it’s pretty simple fare. Veggies, toast, an egg…nothing fancy. But I crowd the mushrooms and can only take a couple of photos of the process before I make a mess and wreck the egg, thereby reminding myself why I write about peace in sentence fragments and stick to making coffee, leaving the world of food blogging to the capable hands of those who have more patience than I do.

alphabet soup: yielding control and simplifying while homeschooling/preschooling special needs kids

We do school differently now. After teaching our first three kids to read by age six, teaching preschool to our new 8-year-olds who are learning letters and sounds and shapes with our four-year-old is new territory for me.

Writing was a trying business to Charley, who seemed to have no natural power over a pen, but in whose hand every pen appeared to become perversely animated, and to go wrong and crooked, and to stop, and splash, and sidle into corners, like a saddle-donkey.

– Charles Dickens, Bleak House

alphabet soup: yielding control and simplifying while homeschooling/preschooling special needs kids alphabet soup: yielding control and simplifying while homeschooling/preschooling special needs kids

The milestones are different, the challenges are different, and my involvement with them is different than it has been with any of our other kids.

Sensory issues. Institutional autism. Trauma. Attachment issues. Fetal alcohol spectrum.

alphabet soup: yielding control and simplifying while homeschooling/preschooling special needs kidsIMG_5421ship at harborphoto courtesy of Unchained

Or, commonly abbreviated: SPD, IA, PTSD, RAD, and FAS. It’s quite a cocktail, made more complex by the fact that some conditions are typically dealt with in ways that are counter-productive to others. For example, with attachment issues, you do ABC, and never, ever do XYZ…but with FAS, you usually do XYZ because ABC doesn’t even apply. Awesome.

And for a child who has both, and more? Fortunately, we have 20 more letters of the alphabet to tinker with in trial and error. Nothing fancy, try not to make a mess, and for crying out loud, don’t worry about wrecking the egg. Priorities.

Which means I’m letting go. Teaching Andrey and Reagan in the normal way usually becomes a mutinous game of manipulation – if I point to a red circle and ask them what it is, they’re just as likely to give me the wrong answer on purpose (“yellow square”) as they are to give me the right answer on accident.

 So preschool, for now, is sneaky. 

It looks like me teaching Chamberlain while they are playing nearby or looking at a book.

In reality though, they’re eavesdropping. They’re watching closely, listening in, often pretending not to. And they’re learning, in spite of the alphabet soup of diagnoses they could be labelled with

Sometimes they join us to play with letters and numbers and such. I’m learning to haul up the anchor and move on after just a few minutes while they’re still cooperating – if I don’t, three seconds later there is testing, manipulation, and mutiny, and we’re sucked into the vortex again.

Keep it short, keep it happy, keep it simple. And then change course, before it’s too late.  


We write letters on little sticky notes. We write letters on the windows with dry erase markers, and then cover them with the matching sticky notes.

We write big letters in glue, and cover them with tiny pieces of torn paper (learning letters + sensory play + motor skills = big win).

We color and scribble and fill up notebooks with lines and curves that often don’t make sense. And assessment doesn’t come in questions and answers – it comes in the turning of the tables, when we eavesdrop on their play and conversations with each other.

Do they know colors? Heck yes – just listen to them argue over lego pieces. Can they count? Depends on who’s asking – but listening to them play Hide and Seek reveals quite a bit. There’s progress, and the simplicity keeps me sane.

Of her childhood, Helen says herself that, save for a few impressions, “the shadows of the prison-house” enveloped it. But there were always roses, and she had the sense of smell; and there was love – but she was not loving then. When she was seven Miss Sullivan came to her. This lady had herself been blind for some years…


It is not too much to say that imprisoned and desolate child entered upon such a large inheritance of thought and knowledge, of gladness and vision, as few of us of the seeing and hearing world attain to.

Like all great discoveries, this, of a soul, was in all its steps marked by simplicity.

– Charlotte Mason, vol. 1, Home Education

I need Him to remind me often about why they choose to stay in the dark, and why He chose us to be their family. This lady had herself been blind for some years…


Learning is not merely the two-way street of give and take between teacher and student anymore.

It’s an ocean to navigate, and the familiar constellations are upside down in this new hemisphere, along with new ones we’ve never seen before. We yield to the Captain who calms the storm…and there’s fresh coffee in the galley.

a trust that stirs the waters

a trust that stirs the waters: how to find the peace you might be looking for (Copperlight Wood)

We finally have winter. The trees are hung heavy with snow, and tonight is for tea and thought and rest. It feels…bookish, but there is so much to do. My brain gets dizzy thinking of it, added to the dishes that always need washing and children that always need bathing and laundry that always needs…well, laundering…and…and…I’m out of coherent words.

This calls for ice cream.

My bowl of vanilla is heaped with extra cinnamon, and I’m under a blanket, under a cat, and under a few deadlines – both self-imposed and otherwise – and eating ice cream for dinner is the most productive way to procrastinate that I can think of without leaving the couch again. Snort.

I’ve been reading this book. Just a tiny thing, my copy is just over 100 pages, but it goes in small chunks that fill you immediately. Like lembas bread, for us literary types.

a trust that stirs the waters: how to find the peace you might be looking for (Copperlight Wood)

While sharing bites of ice cream with the cat, I read this:

God…has infinite treasure to bestow, and we take up with a little sensible devotion which passes in a moment. Blind as we are, we hinder God and stop the current of His graces.  

I have to read it a couple of times to take it all in. Sophie swipes at the spoon hanging in midair while I mull it over, wondering if I’ve hindered His current lately by settling for less than He wanted to give. So much is at stake in His flowing through us.

But when He finds a soul penetrated with a lively faith, He pours into it His graces and favors plentifully; there they flow like a torrent, which, after being forcibly stopped against its ordinary course, when it has found a passage, spreads itself with impetuosity and abundance.

A soul penetrated with lively faith is a trust in Him that stirs the waters. The peace in our spirit is directly proportional to the wild activity of our faith.

We have plenty of wild activity around here – what we need is to channel it to the right current so it will actually produce something other than unrest.

…not to advance in the spiritual life is to go back. But those who have the gale of the Holy Spirit go forward even in sleep. If the vessel of our soul is still tossed with winds and storms, let us awake the Lord, who reposes in it, and He will quickly calm the sea.

– Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God

He’s been trying to tell me something: The more audacious your faith is, Love, the more settled your spirit will be. 

There goes that comfort zone again. Bye-bye, ciao, adios…

a trust that stirs the waters: how to find the peace you might be looking for (Copperlight Wood)

As our faith becomes more radical, our spirit grows more resolved, rested, peaceful. We believe Him wildly and are moved with speed by the current of His grace, while our spirit is becalmed, even in the midst of storm. Our spirit only finds rest when our faith is on the move.

We need not, when abed, to lie awake to talk with God; He can visit us while we sleep, and cause us then to hear His voice. Our heart oft-times wakes when we sleep, and God can speak to that, either by works, by proverbs, by signs and similitudes, as well as if one was awake.

– John Bunyan, Pilgrim’s Progress

He showed me this months ago, elsewhere. He’s reminding me again that this new season isn’t about me, either. It’s not about what I can do. It’s about what He does.

Not to advance in the spiritual life is to go back…But those who have the gale of the Holy Spirit go forward even in sleep. Deadlines are met. Children are bathed, books are read. And things actually get done.

Maybe…even the dishes.


* This is an excerpt from Oh My Soul: Encountering God in Honest, Unconventional (and Sometimes Messy) Prayer. You can find it on Amazon and everywhere books are sold.

what lies ahead

what lies ahead: pursuing the upward call (Copperlight Wood)

In my life, I have owned probably a dozen or so devotionals, of sorts. It’s what we do, right? We read a little, have our quiet time, move on with our day.

It has never really worked for me. Sad, but true.

I’ve tried. I don’t read devotionals daily, I lose interest, and they sit on a dusty bookshelf until they go to a friend or the thrift store. They become Books That I Never Finish, just like Augustine’s Confessions and Don Quixote, and I feel like a quitter.

Boo hiss.

There’s a special one, though, that was loaned to me years ago and I still read it.

(Did you notice that? I’m usually safe to loan books to. I did ask permission to keep this one a little longer – after I’d already had it for a year or two – and my dear friend said to just keep it. And she smiled [!] and meant it nicely…because she’s wonderful like that. Thank you, dear friend…)

It’s this one.

what lies ahead: pursuing the upward call (Copperlight Wood)

And I don’t read it every day, either. But I have read through it (on the right days, the wrong days, whenever) more than once.

God Calling was edited by A.J. Russell, but written by two women in the 30’s who anonymously called themselves The Two Listeners.

He speaks; He has always spoken to those who would wait and listen. We have scripture, yes. But He also speaks directly to us…because He is God with us.

I’ve heard amazing things about Jesus Calling – which, due to my devotional deficiencies listed above, I confess I have not read, other than snippets here and there that were marvelous. But if you are familiar with Jesus Calling (and you probably are because I’m sure you’re much better at this devotional thing than I am), then God Calling will likely seem familiar to you also.

In any case…a devotional is only as good as its ability to help you listen for His voice on your own, rather than using it as a lecturing podium that spoon-feeds teaching.

what lies ahead: pursuing the upward call (Copperlight Wood)

To the individual reader, it should be a living book versus a textbook. It should ignite a light in us that burns and grows, versus a flashlight that shines mechanically…and eventually dims.

I looked back at the first post in this series, and remembered writing the numbers all the way down to 31. It was a long, empty list. Somehow, each number was going to have a title next to it and the list would be filled, but I had no idea how that was going to happen.

That list of posts is now almost completely full, and I am so overwhelmed with His faithfulness.

And I think, Jesus! You showed up, every single time. Even when I didn’t want to.

I’m persistent like that, He says.

I am always waiting here for you.

There’s one empty place left, and I’ll fill it in a few minutes. I’m still not even sure what the title is going to be yet. But He knows…He has known all along.

 I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life.

And this is the confidence that we have toward Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.

And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of Him.

– 1 John 5:13-15

This is the last post in this little series, but there’s so much more. His very nature is abundant. I hope you want more about the life of waiting, listening and hearing Him.

I pray you are ignited, filled, and flowing out as a conduit in all the lives around you. I have loved hearing stories of how He’s spoken to you over the last 31 days. I hope you’ll tell me how He continues to speak to you, because there’s so much more ahead.

One thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

– Philippians 3:13b-14 

We’ll resume our regular programming next week, still with open hands, empty paper. A brighter fire…and more strong coffee.

wait and listen from Copperlight Wood

*This is day thirty-one of the Wait and Listen series. The other posts are here.