cover me

This is an excerpt from Work That God Sees: Prayerful Motherhood in the Midst of the Overwhelm.


A glittering day. The sun is up, but not awake yet – its light is still copper, like a red-haired child with curls sticking out every which way, rubbing his eyes. Morning came early and my hair is still damp from last night’s shower.

Three girls are up and bickering, requiring intervention at an average rate of two minutes per child, so in six minutes I’ve thrown the covers back three times. I give up and grab the coffee, and start throwing it back, instead.

cover me: resting in the waiting, when we want to hurry up and smell the roses (Copperlight Wood)

The day moves into breakfast, chores, lessons. You know how this goes – small details, a few more assignments every day, success gained in baby steps. Like the new blanket that will warm us in the fall, growing stitch by stitch – we work on it for a while, check our progress, and by golly – it doesn’t look any more finished than it did three weeks ago. It’s not nearly big enough to cover us. It’s nowhere near the size it’s supposed to be. And yet, there must be some progress, because I can see the colors changing.

The Word is full of vital force, capable of applying itself. A seed, light as thistledown, wafted into the child’s soul, will take root downwards and bear fruit upwards.

– Charlotte Mason, Home Education

cover me: resting in the waiting, when we want to hurry up and smell the roses (Copperlight Wood)

But we are impatient. Many days it feels like we’re caught somewhere between the need to enjoy the peculiarities of this season, and the need to rush some changes so we can enjoy this time more effectively. It’s a weird uneasiness, this hurry-up-and-smell-the-roses feeling.

That afternoon, on the couch with a sunburn so radioactive that NASA is probably tracking me, I’m trying to finish the last twenty pages of this Charlotte Mason book I started reading two years ago. I’m struggling mightily with that “power of attention and will” she speaks so highly of because there are five kids outside the open window telling stories to each other, eating lunch in a fort they made from a tarp and the patio table.

Over the clink of forks on plates and rustling of leaves in trees, I hear Iree, in an overdone British accent. “Loooong agooo, before the pushmi-pullyu was extinct—”

Andrey interrupts. “What is dat? It stinks? Ewww!!”

“No, extinct. Dead. No more of them are around anymore.” I can hear someone snickering – probably Afton, that red-haired child with curls everywhere.

The wonder that Almighty God can endure so far to leave the very making of an immortal being in the hands of human parents is only matched by the wonder that human parents can accept this divine trust with hardly a thought of its significance.

– Charlotte Mason, Home Education


That night, like so many nights after the kids are in bed, we decompress and evaluate the day. Sometimes we look at the week and year ahead. We look at behavior and progress, in us and in our kids, and we wonder if the colors are changing.

We wonder if a child is ready for more freedom. We wonder if another child is ready for more responsibility. We wonder about our own faith – sometimes it feels like it’s not nearly big enough to cover us. It’s nowhere near the size it’s supposed to be.

We pray, and Vin puts it into words for me. “God, we’ve planted a lot of seed. We’re waiting…but we’re tired of looking at just dirt.”

And I remember something a friend said to me recently about attachment: The best progress is the slow progress. The best healing is the deep healing. Growth, and grief – they both process slowly.


For the wife, sister, friend, daughter, mama – for the overrun one who finds herself crouched on the bathroom floor, elbows on knees, head in hands: When we feel like we’re making bricks without straw, we run to the unruffled One who calmly used a basket of loaves and fish to feed thousands.

Never fear, whatever may happen. You are both being led. Do not try to plan. I have planned. You are the builder, not the Architect.

Go very quietly, very gently. All is for the very best for you.

God Calling, edited by A.J. Russell

cover me: resting in the waiting, when we want to hurry up and smell the roses (Copperlight Wood)

On Sunday I sat with a child who never knew how to be held by a mother – who didn’t know how to relax in affection but would only submit in stiff fear: body rigid, legs unbending. She’s been our very own push-me-pull-you as she learns about body space, gentleness, and appropriate touch. And now she leans, rests against my side during the church service – not in fierce pushing as before, but gently laying her head on my shoulder. She nestles there, hands folded, legs hanging off the chair, one sandal kicked off. Resting.

It’s only because He is big enough to cover us, all of us. We can see the colors changing. Slowly, stitch by stitch, we make the blanket that warms and shelters.

meant for this: finding purpose between the ho-hum and the agony

In the middle of a word, the point of my pen broke and tore right through the paper. My favorite pen – just a cheap one, but it has the perfect grip, the right color, and the enchanting ability to make spider-scrawl legible. Despite the miles of perfectly wonderful writing left in it, it was rendered useless because the tip of it broke off and left it so sharp that it bled ink and ripped everything it touched.

meant for this: finding purpose between the ho-hum and the agony

Probably because I’m stubborn (whatever) I determined to resurrect it with salvaged parts from an expendable pen. Turns out, it also takes one patient husband and three pairs of pliers, but fifteen minutes later the pen was back in action. My fingers were covered in dark blue splotches and I thought, “Oh…Jo would be proud.”

We’ve been reading Little Women, all of us, aloud, on the weekends.


Last weekend we were six hundred pages into the book, and Vince handed it to me when we got to that certain chapter. You know the one.

And I was fine – amazed myself, really – until I read this:

So the spring days came and went, the sky grew clearer, the earth greener, the flowers were up fair and early, and the birds came back in time to say good-by –

– and my voice escaped me. Nothing would come out, and I handed to book back to Vince.

Afton looked back and forth at us. “Time to put the book in the freezer?” He’s eight, and I swear he’s never seen an episode of Friends in his life.

We made it, though. Vince and I had to take turns through the rest of the chapter.


We’ve been taking turns a lot lately. I was in the depths of despair recently and felt completely walled-in over never leaving the house and never talking in person to humans who are taller than me, except for an hour on Sundays before and after the service.

I was blue, sharp, and feeling overused. My top blew off and I realized I’d been bleeding on my kids, who were starting to tear into each other.

Poor Jo! These were dark days for her, for something like despair came over her when she thought of spending all her life in that quiet house, devoted to humdrum cares, a few poor little pleasures, and the duty that never seemed to grow any easier. “I can’t do it. I wasn’t meant for a life like this, and I know I shall break away and do something desperate if somebody don’t come and help me,” she said to herself, when her first efforts failed, and she fell into the moody, miserable state of mind which often comes when strong wills have to yield to the inevitable.

– Louisa May Alcott, Little Women

Aside from church, I hadn’t been out of the house in weeks. I hadn’t left the house on my own in months. And reclusive homebody introvert or not, I needed to breathe. I wasn’t meant for a life like this.

The objects which bore us, or the persons who bore us, appear to wear a bald place in the mind, and thought turns from them with sick aversion.

– Charlotte Mason, Home Education

We took drastic measures, though they probably sound silly to you. For three days in a row we took turns, and Vince sent me out of the house.

I went to the library by myself and browsed every section without a single interruption. I went to an appointment. I went to the post office. Once I ran errands with only half of our kids – the three who hadn’t been busted for lying that day – and I experienced the perspective that only comes when you discover that what you once thought was overwhelming is now quiet relief.

I started to remember what these days are meant for.

And once I met a friend for coffee. She is moving and goodbye is coming soon. We talked deeply about our past, our present, and our plans for the future, including at least one arranged marriage between our children.

In three hours we cried about eleven times, but I drove home almost fully resuscitated.

Meaninglessness inhibits fullness of life and is therefore equivalent to illness. Meaning makes a great many things endurable – perhaps everything….

– Clyde Kilby

The ho-hum and the agony diminished in the fresh air and I came home ready to finish this chapter, determined not to be rendered useless from a little breaking.


Miles of perfectly good ink are left in us, and we were meant for this. We work so well together because he’s a patient husband. And because I’m stubborn…probably.

more than numbers

Four apartments. Three homes. Five pregnancies. Two adoptions. Three cats. Two dogs.

It doesn’t add up to 16 years. And if I think too hard about some of the things we’ve walked through while admitting that we’re still at the beginning of this gig, I have to direct myself back to the last several posts on fear and practice my “aim and fire” strategy all over again.


The kids are in bed and the man is driving out to pick up pizza for our anniversary dinner date night, and I have just a few minutes to write, to sneak this in before he gets back.

And I sit here, and my words are so inadequate.

I can only breathe Thank You for this man who loves me, who takes care of me, who puts up with all sorts of nonsense and shenanigans (Shannon-igans?) and still manages to convince me that he really thinks he’s the one who totally lucked out.

(And yes, he does all his own stunts, just like his shirt says)

more than numbers (Copperlight Wood)

So, Thank You. Why would You do this for me? Beyond all I can ask for and imagine, I never deserved this.

And He says, I know. It’s not about what you deserve. It’s about what you need, and who you needed.


I chose him to be the one to show you My hands and feet. I chose him to be the one to walk you through healing and growth and adventure. I chose him to be your partner in the joy and the mess, in the clean up operation, in the mission, in the ministry, in everything I’ve called you to.


Haven’t you noticed, Love? I rarely give you what you deserve. That’s what grace is.

wait and listen from Copperlight Wood

*This is day fifteen of the Wait and Listen series. The other posts are here.